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Wrapped Up Ruana

This ruana is worked from the center out to the striped edge. Both sides are worked identically, with a unique set up row worked in the center. Stay wrapped up and cozy as the fall chill sets in!

Skill Level: Easy

Size: 42.5” / [108 cm] width x 65.75” / [167 cm] length

Gauge: 18 sts (3 stitch pattern repeats) = 4.5” [11.5 cm] and 8 rows = 4” [10 cm] in Mesh Pattern after wet blocking


Medium weight yarnYarn: O-Wool Local Worsted (50% Alpaca, 50% Certified Organic Merino; 240 yards [219 meters]/100 grams): Fringetree (MC, 8 balls), Scarlet Oak (CC, 2 balls)

Hook: US size I/9 (5.5 mm)

Notions: Removable markers, tapestry needle

Special Stitches

Mesh Pattern (multiple of 6 ch)

Set-up Row (RS): Dc into 4th ch from hook, dc into each of next 2 ch, *sk 2 ch, ch 2, dc into each of next 4 ch; rep from * to end, turn.

Row 1: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch-2 sp), sk 3 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc, *ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc; rep from * to last 3 dc, sk 2 dc, ch 2, dc into tch, turn.

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc, *ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc; rep from * to end, turn.

Rep Rows 1-2 for patt.

Pattern Notes

The RS and WS of this piece are very similar. It’s not critical that the Second Body begins with the WS facing, however, if you want the RS and WS rows of the second Motif Stripe to match the WS can be identified by the side facing when Row 1 of the Mesh Pattern is worked.


First Body

With MC, ch 264.

Work Set-up Row of Mesh Pattern. (43.5 stitch pattern repeats, 262 sts).

Work Rows 1-2 of Mesh Pattern 16 times, then work Row 1 once more.

Break MC, but do not fasten off.

Motif Stripe

Fold work in half lengthwise and pm in center of row.

Change to CC.

Inc Row: Add 1 additional dc into the marked st or sp, while working across the row as follows: Ch 3 (counts as dc), work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, *dc into each of next 4 dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp; rep from * to end, dc into tch, turn. (263 dc)

Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk 1 dc, dc into next dc, *ch 3, [sk 1 st, tr into next st] 4 times, ch 3, sk 1 st, dc into next st; rep from * to last st, dc into tch, turn.

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk 1 dc, dc into next dc, *ch 3, sc into each of next 4 tr, ch 3, dc into top of dc; rep from * to last st, dc into tch, turn.

Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk 1 dc, dc into next dc, *ch 3, sc into each of next 4 sc, ch 3, dc into top of dc; rep from * to last st, dc into tch, turn.

Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk 1 dc, dc into next dc, *[ch 1, tr into sc] 4 times, ch 1, dc into next dc; rep from * to last st, dc into tch, turn.

Dec Row: Ch 3 (counts as dc) sk 1 dc, dc into next dc, work 1 dc into each st across, working dc2tog once at center of row. (262 dc)

Break CC, but do not fasten off.


Change to MC.

Set-up Row: Ch 5 (counts as dc, ch-2 sp), sk 3 dc, *dc into each of next 4 dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc; rep from * to end, dc into tch, turn.

Work Row 1 of Mesh Pattern.

Fasten off.

Second Body

With WS facing, join MC to the foundation ch of the First Body.

Set-up Row 1: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch-2 sp), sk 3 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc, [ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc] 20 times, ch 137, turn.

Set-up Row 2 (RS): Dc into 4th ch from hook, dc into each of next 2 ch, ch 2, [sk 2 ch, dc into each of next 4 ch, ch 2] across to last 5 ch, sk 2 ch, dc into each of last 3 ch, dc into first dc, [ch 2, sk 2 dc, dc into next dc, work 2 dc into ch-2 sp, dc into next dc] to end. (43.5 stitch pattern repeats, 262 sts)

Work Rows 1 and 2 of Mesh Pattern 16 times, then work Row 1 once more.

Break MC, but do not fasten off.

Cont to work Motif Stripe and Edge the same as for First Body.


Join CC and work in sc along the selvedge edge, working 1 sc into each st, 2 sc into the side of each dc, and 3 sc into each corner, sl st to first sc to join. Fasten off.


Weave in ends.

Block piece to measurements.

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  • Roberta Z.

    Ok I’m confused why isn’t this just worked as one large piece vs sides?

    • Nicola P.

      Hello Roberta! I’ve reached out to the designer for advice and she or I will reply as soon as possible. Thanks! – Nicola, Editor


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