Designer by: Michele Muska for Boye Needle
Customize your own pillow by making your own bloom adornments. Use different colors to complement any room.
Skill Level: Easy
Size: Size varies depending on pillow preference
Gauge: Gauge is not needed for this pattern
Yarn: 4 to 6 different skeins of yarn
Notions: Boye/ Crochet Dude Bloom Loom, darning needle, scissors, needle and thread or fabric glue
Pattern Notes
Read all manufacturer’s instructions for creating blooms before starting.
For 12×12” pillow, make approx. 35 to 37 blooms.
For 25×16” pillow, make approx. 56 blooms.
Make appropriate numbers of blooms by mixing the yarns together.
You can make first layer of petals with one or two yarns depending on the thickness.
Finish the small layer with an additional yarn from your selection to give it contrast. Mix it up to give it an eclectic look. For a more streamline look you can go with all one color. Using one color yarn but with different textures will create yet another look for you.
Glue blooms to pillow or sew on with needle and thread.
Oh my goodness! All this griping and negativity. Really?? Over a crochet pattern?
Wow, who knew a little yarn project could stir up so much animosity! For those of you who either cannot purchase the loom or don’t want to spend the money, here are simple instructions for making one of your own, using pieces of cardboard and a few nails: http://www.knitting-and.com/small-looms/#make. To all those who make patterns freely available for making so many lovely things, thank you for your generosity. To everyone, I wish you peaceful and meaningful holiday season.
PS Hope your Christmas is Merry, Happy & Bright, and May 2015 be filled with Delight. or the Aussie Cobber version – Cheers ‘n Beers for Chrissy & New Year’s
I have to agree wholeheartedly with Wanda. I’m from Australia and I guess I just figured that Bloom Loom was a new crochet stitch. I think with these types of “free” patterns one ought to say something like –Please observe that those from a country other than the US this is a tool that is used to make the flowers, it may not be available in your country or may go by another name – However, once I had read it I realised it wasn’t a new stitch, silly me, -Hence I have to agree with all the others that, technically, this wasn’t a free pattern. Free means, without charge, at no cost, on the house. Money had to be exchanged for one to be able to make the product the free pattern was for. So mayhap what you should mention at the outset for everyone is that – one will have to purchase – to go with the pattern. WWW dot stands for “World Wide” web. Were it only for Americans then surely it would be USW dot…. See? No matter which way you choose to look at it the pattern you offered WAS NOT FREE. On the other hand I cannot agree with the rudeness of these folk. It is totally unnecessary. A lot more can be gained by employing good old fashioned courtesy and respect. By the way, for all those folk out there not from US, a google search proved fruitless. Here in Australia there was 1 loom from a mob that could be found at cheaperoz.com.au, but turned out to be misleading. You could buy the Boye loom for 9 bucks AUD, however, the postage was $24 bucks AUD, – YEP! Had to come from the States. Mind you the one and only Australian outlet 40 bucks AUD for the Boye Loom and another 9 bucks AUD postage! So, even in another country where the equipment is available, a tad pricey wouldn’t you agree? My advice, for what it’s worth, to those who chose rudeness to respond. Try reading the WHOLE article before turning into an “ignorant” article as we from down under would say….We may be labelled “laid back” and forthright, but we were raised to be good-mannered. I Apologise for long windedness.
Pillow is pretty, please add for the benefit of all that an additional tool is required for future reference. Although some responses may seem over the top, they are not wrong that; 1) the ad seems misleading, 2) the Bloom Loom may not be available worldwide, and 3) it is not actually a crochet pattern. @Amber: I did try to check my punctuation. I hope it meets with your approval. Thank you to those who provided links for alternatives. Have a blessed holiday everyone!
This is just an idea. There are no patter s for the flowers! I. Lo ked on the or I k link. No pattern.
All this over a pillow pattern, no wonder world peace and world hunger are age-old relentless problems. Too, waay too much, fuss over a pillow pattern. Read and learn, jumping to conclusions is tiresome.
I would like to apologize on the behalf of all of these horribly rude persons who have been leaving such nasty comments! I think the pillow is absolutely darling!! And for you ‘FREE’ vultures, it clearly says in the title ‘Bloom LOOM Pillow’, as in you will need a LOOM! Did they think that you were going to provide the loom along with the pattern?? Idiots!! Have A Lovely Day and Thank You for sharing this fabulous idea!!
<3 Amber
No loom so I won’t be making the pillow! I expected more of a pattern!
Free Pattern? Bait and Switch, Fraud, or just lies? One of those categories fits the offer of this “FREE” pattern. There went ANY thought of me subscribing to this magazine. I don’t enable bad behavior which this clearly is.
There are a lot of actual CROCHET flower patterns out there. This does not look like it is a real CROCHET pattern, tho it is advertised as one. It is a loom pattern. Pretty though it is. But look on the bright side people, it DOES give you some good ideas for a project. AND yes, real free crochet patterns ARE out in cyber space many places, just this one is not. Not really free, and most importantly, not even crochet. Get a loom, no way, I want to CROCHET! Thanks anyway.
No pattern for the blooms. This is disappointing.
I would like to know how this is a pattern? when there are NO instructions on how to make the flowers!! Are the flowers patterns to come to us out of the blue?
where is the pattern
Thanks for all your comments girls. At least I know that I’m not going crazy and since here in France we don’t have ‘Bloom Looms’ I certainly never realised that it was a brand name thing. Certainly not free, since there was/is no pattern. Marketing departments should brush up on their use of the English language and remember that not all the readers of their websites are living in the US.
Most stunning pillow I have ever seen, but no demo to show how it is done. Please send us a demo
I see the pattern that everyone says is not there. It’s just that you need the required loom for this pattern. The instructions tell you to get the instructions from the loom. Simple to understand. Read the information several times if needed to reassure yourself that your getting something even though its not an actual pattern. Sad that this magazine is not replying to assist with getting the information.
This is not the first time that this website has offered free patterns but when you click to get the free pattern, you have to subscribe. This has put me off buying anything from this company as I don’t appreciate rip offs. @Cherie – I think you must work for this company because you are so supportive of their underhand methods to get subscribers. I get quite a bit of materials online but it’s nice to get something for FREE every now and then!
The pattern is for a Bloom Loom Pillow, therefore it’s a pillow made with a Bloom Loom. If it said Crocheted Pillow I wouldn’t expect a free crocheting hook…
It is misleading, the pattern is not a free pattern when you have to buy a gadget to make,….and gadget not so easy buy in Australia. I will unsubscribe from this email
NO its not FREE you have to have the loom/flower maker before you can even ‘do’ the project WHY advertise the FREE pattern This type of advertising to get one to your site then throw at them “off course it you like this you will have to buy the pattern, book or tools I am sick of people doing this You are doing advertising that is wrong and in my country (Australia) that is against the law to advertise wrongly for products that are not as the description states. Really really Fed Up Dot
Thank you for the free “instructions” what an awesome idea. I have made crochet flowers on fancy potholders, but I never thought about putting them on a pillow.
Mother in law has a loom, but I prefer to crochet my blooms.
Great idea just in time for Christmas.
Thank you again.
No free pattern. You make t easy to delete anything that comes from this site. Free means FREE
Cherie, I feel your pain about all the negative responses you are receiving, but at the same time I feel that you should not have responded in the same manner. After hearing all the negative comments coming from your follower and mostly you, I will unsubscribe. Shame, Shame this is not good business.
People should be ashamed. By reading the entire article it tells you everything you need. So if you want to make the flowers buy the loom. How much simpler can it be. What a wonderful Christmas gift idea. Thanks
i like your pattern
Hey guys … I’m heading out to get a bloom loom. Thanks for the clever idea. Peace out!
I felt disappointed that I could not make this pillow without the loom, but am certainly not upset. I think I can crochet my own flowers and sew them on a pillow just as easily. The picture of the completed pillow was a nice free gift of inspiration for me! Thank you.
If it looks “TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE’, then it usually is.
Pillow part offered for free from crafters email subscription…. where is the actual part? How can we print it if this link to it is a complete fraud…leading us to order and pay for a subscription to this crochet magazine?!
You have not told the truth—this is half a pattern if you want people to trust you don’t try deceiving them!
On the original ad it says it is a Bloom Loom Pattern, but it does not say that there is anything required until you get to the clickthru page. That is what the beef is about.
Free pattern IF you already own a BloomLoom; and the instructions to make the flowers are with the loom; then.
The free pattern is basically, make so many flowers then glue them to the pillow.
I would expect a lot more from a freebie to get people interested in subscribing! So, yes, it’s a fail. It’s not an entitlement issue, it’s a flat out fail. Marketing had better go review this one carefully.
(I once paid a lot for a download pattern for a cat bed, that said take three strands, crochet like so in a continuous spiral six stitches to the ‘repeat’ and stuff it as you go, then take a yarn needle and tack the cord into a spiral. About one paragraph and one picture. This pattern rates with that; yes I do feel this ‘free pattern’ isn’t worth it) One more time, massive marketing fail.
Do we have to pay to subscribe?
I am looking for the free patterns for the Grandma’s tea towels! as I have the little flyer, and said to inquire….thank you….
everything about this is bullshit what a wonderful disappointment you are full of lies and you should be prosecuted for false advertisement
This is what we are getting from today’s political and educational systems. Entitlement attitudes (yes – go look it up) and the inability to use proper punctuation. Your message is one long string of words that should probably be 3 or more sentences.
Cherie, I am so amazed at how rude people can be to their fellow humans. God Bless You for putting up with this nonsense. PEOPLE it is a pattern, the world did not end! Get-Over-It!!
FREE should mean FREE. But of course we found out that is not true with this pillow pattern made from flowers made on a loom. THIS ad does NOT state that you need the loom to make the flowers – PLUS they did NOT even furnish the pattern for those who might own the loom. RIPOFF!!!!!!!!!!
If you read the list of materials, you will see it CLEARLY states in the notions section – Boye/ Crochet Dude Bloom Loom.
I have never seen such negative comments from people who don’t understand how to read the instructions and materials requirements.
Everyone loves Free, but if you don’t get it, don’t be so irate. You could try contacting them if you don’t understand or thought you missed something.
I figured out that the loom was needed before reading the materials list. I also knew the blooms would need to be sewn or glued on. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
People please the petals are made on a loom tool. There are no patterns except what come with the loom tool. Read instructions carefully! This pattern looks great
I cannot find the FREE PATTERN. Do you send this separately or is this just another COME ON. People don’t seem to understand when they say FREE. It means you don’t have to pay for it. Is this the new way of talking. No doesn’t mean NO any more and FREE doesn’t mean FREE? I don’t like this way at all and I wouldn’t buy anything from your company because of this deception.
Just Google “bloom loom instructions” or “flower loom instructions” and you will find all sorts of free instructions. One site that had lots of good info is http://www.knitting-and.com/small-looms/.
Thank you for giving a web site to go to for those who wish to do a project that has the flowers. I was surprised that someone (you ) would actually help others out instead of the normal gripe that the FREE pattern was not there. A wonderful surprise and I am glad that there are still people like you who will share . It has given my family craft group some neat ideas. I have one son who was happy to see a lot of loop work as he owns a lot of different size loops. Thanks again and Happy Holidays.
Robin…Thank you. I searched, as you suggested and found a number of useful and easy to follow You Tube videos here:
I’m going out today to buy a loom.
Thanks again.
I really love this pillow! Doesn’t say anything about purchasing a loom in the ad.
Hi everyone – the “pattern” for construction of the pillow decoration is there. You need to have the loom to make the petals, and the instructions come with the loom. so – if you don’t have the loom, yes, you will need to buy one. Those who already own the loom – you already have the petal instructions.
For free? I don’t think you made an error. Did you?
The free pattern is not there.
I can’t find the pattern for the “Petals” that make the pillow!
same o, same o…..bottom dollar is always the case
From what I can tell, the pattern for the “petals” or blooms are included in the instructions for the bloom loom (which only costs a couple dollars according to Simplicity’s website). This would be a free pattern of something to be made using the bloom loom.
Disappointed, no Free Pattern
no free pattern. – why say free pattern when there isn”t any
There is no free pattern you need to purchase subscription! why I’m not surprised!! Lol
Guess its not actually “FREE”–must subscribe to the magazine!
no pattern
I can’t find the pattern for the “Petals” that make the pillow!
You can print the pattern. – upper right hand corner
Even printing off the pattern doesn’t give instruction for making the actual flowers. Why tell us it’s a free pattern when it blatantly isn’t. Causes bad feeling