
Vera Sanon

Vera Sanon learned how to knit from her great-grandmother, a master teacher in all needle arts, in Germany when she was six years old. Her mother owned a yarn shop and used to design knitwear. From a young age, Vera used to knit for her shop, assist in designing garments and taught knitting and crochet. Vera am also a proficient seamstress and am well versed in embroidery, but working with yarn is her passion.
Some of her designs have been featured in Knitscene, Interweave Knits, Vogue Knitting, Love of Knitting, Knit ‘N Style, Knit Now, Interweave Crochet and Love of Crochet, and she has also designed for several yarn companies such as Cascade Yarns, Anzula, Universal Yarns, Premiere Yarns, and Willow Yarns. She still really enjoys independently publishing designs and, thanks to Ravelry, it is possible. Since Vera lives in the movie capital, she also designs knitting patterns and custom design and knit garments for several people in the movie industry.
Vera is also the founder and executive director of Fanm pou Fanm (Women for Women), a non-profit organization that works with some of the poorest women in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. They supply the women with yarn (donated from fellow Ravelers and several yarn companies) who then crochet market bags. 100% of the profit goes back to the women who crochet the bags. With the proceeds from the bag sales, they have opened a sewing shop where women can use the machines to sew garments for sale. They also teach the women basic business skills and supply them with fabric and yarn.

Projects by Vera Sanon

Here Comes the Sun Vest

Mix some sunshine in with your crochet to make this stunning piece that’s bold and versatile. Watch it become a summer staple as you pair it with dresses, tank tops and tees.

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Pineapple Shawl

Plan your next tropical getaway, but don’t forget to take this shawl. Lightweight with a tropical pineapple motif, this shawl can go from dressy to casual without missing a beat.

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Pink Sapphire Shawl

A big, comfy shawl is the perfect breezy summer accessory. Bright and airy enough to be summertime appropriate but thick enough to still be useful for a chilly summer night.

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