
Tag: Sunny Daydreams

Tula Tassel Pillow

Simple single crochet stitches make this an attainable pillow pattern for any crocheter. An envelope-style flap is adorned with a layer of tassels with a surprise layer of fringe underneath for a textured and boho pillow that’s perfect for summer.

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Tie Dye Lagoon Pillows

Update your home décor with these trendy, tie-dyed pillows. Using only simple household supplies, you can dye your own unique pillows in an hour or less. Can you believe all these pillows were dyed using the same black food coloring? Differences in the final result were achieved through several tie-dying techniques and the use of two different yarns: 100% superwash wool and an acrylic/wool blend. Food dyes react with any animal fibers and having a blend of animal and man-made fibers can give a different color saturation or a slightly different hue to the finished product. Experiment with different dyes or yarn choices to create a unique, custom palette for your home.

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