If you’ve made it this far, you’re already halfway there to solving your gauge problems. Creating a gauge swatch is an important step that many people skip and it leaves them wondering why something didn’t fit. The gauge swatch information, if necessary, is given in the pattern so you will be able to make a
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I first learned about conceptual knitting through the work of Lea Redmond, an artist and knitting designer who brought conceptual knitting into the mainstream with her Sky Scarf and Mood Scarf patterns. Conceptual projects can easily be created using crochet, too.
Conceptual designs challenge crocheters to step outside their typical comfort zones to create unpredictable projects.
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Crocheters love motifs. Motifs are fun, great little projects to carry around, and quick to complete for that instant gratification. They also offer so much versatility in shape, color, and texture. The possibilities are endless.
But motifs can be tricky to work. If you’ve had trouble achieving the correct number of sides on a motif, you
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You are crocheting along, row after row, with your afghan project bunched on your lap. You finally open up the afghan to look at your work only to notice it’s gotten narrower. This happens to beginner and experienced crocheters alike. Very honestly, once you learn the basic stitches, getting your pieces even is the next
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It’s that time of year again! Time to crochet warm and cozy things for yourself and for the ones you love. If you find yourself crocheting things for your crochet group of friends and you are looking for the perfect card to accompany the perfect crochet gift, these cards are for you.
If you’ve never downloaded
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